Articles by Danie Maritz

Melanoma prevented by Sunscreen: Is our “Protection from the Sun” Message Misleading?

suntan1Misleading and False information might be what the public has been fed over the years regarding sunscreens and skin cancer, especially malignant melanomas. Beginning with my heading above. There is no such thing as “Melanoma“. It is either a MALIGNANT melanoma or a BENIGN melanoma, the two have NOTHING in common. They don’t even have to be pigmented.

The general population is being confused by the pseudo scientific information presented to them by the companies marketing the various types of skin protection, from sunscreen creams to clothing, hats, motor vehicle window tints, etc.

There are now more people using sunscreen on a regular basis than ever before and in spite of that, the percentage of superficial skin cancers as well as malignant melanomas has been increasing. So, can it be possible that the sunscreen that you are using might place you at risk of developing cancer, rather than preventing it ?

The SPF factor displays the percentage of presumed protection against UVB (which is the “good” UV) and offers no protection against the “bad” UVA. There are some “broad spectrum” sunscreens on the market that protect against UVA as well as UVB, but, the percentage of protection against UVA is not stated. SPF only applies to UVB. There are also two kinds of sunscreens. One is the oily type on the skin surface and the other the “dry” type that absorbs into the skin. A new type of sunscreen has also been developed in Australia that claims that it blocks only UVA and allows the UVB to come through, so that vitamin D can be produced and not be blocked. It would then also allow the natural melanin in the skin to increase in a normal way, due to the stimulation by the UVB. The idea is good.

When you “tan” the superficial UVB naturally increases the melanin in your skin, which then in turn becomes darker and then offers a natural barrier against the “bad” UVA, which has a longer wave length and penetrates deeper. It seems that chronic low grade exposure to the sun increases the natural production of melanin in the skin which in turn protects the skin against the harmful UVA in a completely natural way.


What is more important than the type of sunscreen, is your type of skin. Certain types skin should never be exposed to sun. See the Fitzpatrick scale.



home_coverThere is evidence that UV  can increase the incidence of some superficial skin cancers. But they are generally more localized and do not metastasize.  There is NO evidence that sunlight can or does increase the incidence of malignant melanoma. Furthermore there is also a difference between benign and malignant melanomas. It is NOT the natural course for benign melanomas to change into malignant melanomas. Furthermore, malignant melanomas, basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas have NOTHING in common. The one cannot progress to the other. They are as different from each another as chalk and cheese.

The production of Vitamin D is also prevented by sunblock. Vitamin D is essential for our bone strength as well as preventing various kinds of systemic cancer such as breast, colon and others. Not only systemic, but, also in the skin. The natural production of Vitamin D by the skin also cannot be replaced by drinking supplements. It is possible that sunblock can cause vitamin D deficiency in a person.

There was an interesting article by Margaret B. Planta, in the recent JABFM of Nov / Dec 2016, regarding whether our message of sunscreen protection and melanomas is correct. Sunscreen and Melanoma: Is Our Prevention Message Correct?

Once again, a good example where we should probably not interfere with the natural functionality of our bodies. We were designed as pretty efficient functioning creatures.



Generation Y …. whinging with reason ?

Maybe the generation-y’ers have a point and maybe it is our fault (the baby boomers).


Our parents came through the depression years and we were motivated by them constantly to study. My dad always said that no-one can ever take your qualifications away from you, so study, study, study. But, there were not that many occupations around in those days and almost everything you studied invariably did lead towards a profession of some kind.

We, the baby boomer, generation were not so strict on our generation y kids, as our parents were on us. Times were good and it was said that most of our kids will someday work in occupations that didn’t exist in their schooling years. Their future is bright and interesting …. or, is it?

When it comes to study they did study, but, they studied all the “nice” and interesting subjects, that don’t necessary lead to a specific profession. Our emphasis was not correct, we should have motivated our kids to become “professionally qualified”, not just studying.

There are only 2 kinds of people that make the wheels of the world go round:  the professionals and the entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs are born like that, you can’t study to be one. If you aren’t a born entrepreneur, then you have to study towards a specific profession.

For the rest you have to have a professional qualification, be it a doctor, lawyer, bricklayer, plumber, electrician, etc. If you are asked “what is your profession?” then you must be able to answer in one or 2 words ….. and then everyone will know exactly what is is that you do. But, if you start waffling around, trying to explain what it is that you do, then you have missed the boat. Sure, it does take studying to get anywhere, that is the essential part ……… but, it must be towards a specific professional qualification.



Why you should be eating more cherries.

I love CHERRIES   and,…………….

cherriesthe best news is that they are bursting with nutrition and are good for us !

So, it came as a very welcome news to me that these little red things are extremely healthy to eat.

The red colour comes from anthocyanin, an antioxidant that helps to ease aching joints. Cherries also lowers uric acid levels as well as  reduces C-reactive protein. Which plays a role in gout and arthritis. As a result cherries juice may also help for post-workout pain, according to a 2010 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition study.  It seems that the antioxidants in cherries protect us against attacks by exercise-induced free radicals, which in turn leads to painful post exercise inflammation.
It seems that calories ingested from carbohydrates, might be neutralized by  cherries and the body gains less weight and body fat, because, the anthocyanins in cherries stimulates fat burning and decreases fat storage.

Another ingredient, quercetin, a favonoid, is anti-carcinogenic and protects your colon against cancer.

Pectin is another ingredient of the soluble fibers and that protects your heart, by lowering the bad (LDL) cholesterol

The beta-carotene content is very high and that protects your eye sight and skin

Cherries are one of very few fruits that contain melatonin. This improves your sleep pattern. Cherries are one of nature’s few sources of melatonin, that makes us sleep. When study volunteers drank an ounce of tart cherry juice concentrate in the morning and again at night, they slept more soundly. Even better:  melatonin in cherry juice is very well absorbed and is utilized by the body and provides an effect that equals melatonin supplements.

Cherries are one of the very low calorie fruits and are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.  Cherries are rich in pigments, which are are polyphenolic flavonoid compounds also known as anthocyanin glycosides. Anthocyanins are red, purple and blue pigment found in many fruits and vegetables. Cherries are also a small source of zinc; iron, potassium, manganese, and copper.  Furthermore they are also very rich in  flavonoid poly phenolic anti-oxidants such as lutein, zea-xanthin and beta carotene. These in turn protects us against  harmful free radicals that play a role in macular degeneration of our eyes.

So, be happy, go shopping and eat as many cherries as you like ………. IT’S GOOD FOR YOU !!


