Vitamin D deficiency plays a roll in Myopia and Glaucoma

Once again the information we are given regarding Sunblock Creams come into question. Biased towards the cosmetic industry and scaring everyone thinking that sunlight causes Malignant Melanomas.

We need Vit. D from sunlight on our skins to be healthy !!

They need to be exposed same as the food industry was for the high carb low fat misinformation that we were fed for so many years.

I’m refering to the article “Associations of vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D receptor (Cdx-2, Fok I, Bsm I and Taq I) polymorphisms with the risk of primary open-angle glaucoma” by Lv et al. in the BMC Ophthalmology (2016) 16:116
DOI 10.1186/s12886-016-0289-y

The shortage of vit. D does play a significant causative roll in high myopia and primary open angle glaucoma.

“Vitamin D deficiency and the presence of the BsmI ‘B’ allele and the TaqI ‘t’ allele are relevant risk factors in the development of glaucoma.” as stated by Lv et al in the above mentioned article.


Unapproved stem cell treatments can blind patients

Stem cell treatment for various debilitating eye diseases seems to be the answer now days. On the surface it also seems to be a safe procedure. However, it is not. Certainly it is not a procedure that should be done as a “backyard” job. While stem cell treatments do have the promise of good results, many procedures are still experimental or in their infancy. It should only be done once it has been well researched at a reputable Eye Clinic.

Unfortunately patients with these debilitating eye conditions are usually at their wits end and panicking that they are soon going to be blind. This often makes them gullible and targets of the unscrupulous and they can end up with much poorer vision, and usually at best much poorer financially.

Reports of these unfortunate patients are all too common. We all realize that these patients are often at their wits end, but, common sense, caution and patience should and must prevail and remain the main guidance and pacemaker.

On March17, 2017 there was an article in the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology of 3 patients that were blinded by such a stem cell procedure, done in Florida.( Unapproved stem cell treatment blinds 3 patients – American Academy of Ophthalmology )



Why you should be eating more cherries.

I love CHERRIES   and,…………….

cherriesthe best news is that they are bursting with nutrition and are good for us !

So, it came as a very welcome news to me that these little red things are extremely healthy to eat.

The red colour comes from anthocyanin, an antioxidant that helps to ease aching joints. Cherries also lowers uric acid levels as well as  reduces C-reactive protein. Which plays a role in gout and arthritis. As a result cherries juice may also help for post-workout pain, according to a 2010 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition study.  It seems that the antioxidants in cherries protect us against attacks by exercise-induced free radicals, which in turn leads to painful post exercise inflammation.
It seems that calories ingested from carbohydrates, might be neutralized by  cherries and the body gains less weight and body fat, because, the anthocyanins in cherries stimulates fat burning and decreases fat storage.

Another ingredient, quercetin, a favonoid, is anti-carcinogenic and protects your colon against cancer.

Pectin is another ingredient of the soluble fibers and that protects your heart, by lowering the bad (LDL) cholesterol

The beta-carotene content is very high and that protects your eye sight and skin

Cherries are one of very few fruits that contain melatonin. This improves your sleep pattern. Cherries are one of nature’s few sources of melatonin, that makes us sleep. When study volunteers drank an ounce of tart cherry juice concentrate in the morning and again at night, they slept more soundly. Even better:  melatonin in cherry juice is very well absorbed and is utilized by the body and provides an effect that equals melatonin supplements.

Cherries are one of the very low calorie fruits and are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.  Cherries are rich in pigments, which are are polyphenolic flavonoid compounds also known as anthocyanin glycosides. Anthocyanins are red, purple and blue pigment found in many fruits and vegetables. Cherries are also a small source of zinc; iron, potassium, manganese, and copper.  Furthermore they are also very rich in  flavonoid poly phenolic anti-oxidants such as lutein, zea-xanthin and beta carotene. These in turn protects us against  harmful free radicals that play a role in macular degeneration of our eyes.

So, be happy, go shopping and eat as many cherries as you like ………. IT’S GOOD FOR YOU !!


